
How To Maintain A Good Work Life? – Women’s Guide

Stress has become a common partner in all of our lives. Especially, when it comes to work-life stress, people fail to handle it often. Moreover, women are the ones who get affected by work stress more than men. It is because they have to handle both household responsibilities and profession at the same time.

Are you also a woman going through the same phase? Cheer up champ, you are bigger than all of these. All you have to do is follow some simple steps for maintaining a good work-life. Read the full guide right now!

How To Maintain A Good Work-Life? 7-Stepped Process

It was never a ‘bed of roses’ for women to take care of career and a family side by side. Be it a full-time job, part-time, freelancing, or business, when family responsibilities arrive, things start getting challenging. In the present job market, ‘ work pressure’ is a real-time companion. Additionally, if you are a working mom, the second thing that would come most along with stress is ‘ a sense of guilt.’ It is because of not being able to give your toddler enough time.

But come on, it’s the 21st century. It is an era for women to overcome all the thorns across their roads and achieve a good work-life. Here are some top suggestions you can follow to maintain a between work life.


1. Jot Down Your Priorities

The first step is to recognize your priority areas. What do you want to emphasize more? Work or your happiness? Of Course, there is no perfect answer to this as work is also an important part of your life. So trying to be happy at your work – this should be your priority. Once you develop this mindset, nothing can stop you from being productive, energetic, cheerful, and efficient at work.


2. Identify Your Strengths And Weaknesses

Conduct a personal SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats) analysis. It will help you understand the strong and weak areas of your personality. For example, if getting anxious due to work pressure is your weakness, you have to work on that. On the other hand, if completing all work on time is your strength, work hard to keep it up.


3. Determine Your Interest Areas

Ask yourself, how do you want to spend your time or what would you like to do during your free time. Maybe it’s cooking, painting, or dancing! You may also explore a childhood passion in a  new way. Doing something you love to do, gives a mental boost and strength at the workplace as well.


4. Inform Your Issue To The Employers

This is where you need to execute carefully. Your workplace might not allow you to take any special privileges if you take one wrong step. Let them know the actual problem you are facing. Inform them what you want but always keep your approach polite and suggestive; don’t be demanding. For example, you can request them to let you leave the office a little earlier if your daily tasks get completed.


5. Make A Timetable

Now that you have gathered your priority areas pointed out interests, and determined strengths and weaknesses, it’s time for the action. Prepare a personalized timetable for yourself, considering your work schedule. Ensure to maintain a balance between personal and professional life; otherwise, frustration would linger with you all throughout your work time.


6. Give Yourself Some ‘Me’ time

Personal time or “Me time” is something that every person needs, irrespective of gender. However, as women who are busy professionals do not get much time to spend with themselves, it calls for quality Me time. The best thing that you can do in your free time is

  • read your favorite book
  • listen to your favorite music
  • practice any of your hobbies
  • cook some yummies
  • watch a movie or your favorite web series
  • hangout with your buddy or family member on week offs
  • simply take a good nap


7. Make The Fullest Use Of Technology

Technology can be used in various ways to get a decent work-life. For example, use Skype or Whatsapp Video calling to speak to your little one at the workplace during lunchtime. It won’t give you a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. Also, there are various health apps like fabulous, Elevate, HealthTap, etc. that enable you to manage your health efficiently despite a busy work schedule.


8. Stay Away From Negativity

Toxic people are everywhere in the world, even at your workplace. Stay clear of them always. Office politics, gossip, planning-plotting could drive you crazy! Be aware of such contacts and deal with them tactfully. A single word from them can ruin your entire day at the office.



From my personal experience, maintaining a good work-life is not very easy. You have to walk strategically; you will fall down, get tired, get disappointed, have to make adjustments and compromises. But, in the end, it’s your happiness and mental peace that matters. So know your priorities at first and then proceed accordingly.

Do leave your valuable thoughts about this post and also any added tips that you would like to follow!

Sara Smith

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