Health Care

Step to quitting on smoking habit

We all know that smoking is harmful to your health, but it does not facilitate to kick your smoking habit. Whether you are an occasional or lifelong smoker, it can be very difficult to quit.

Smoking is a psychological habit and physical addiction. Smoking is also a way to combat anxiety, depression, and boredom. However, quitting smoking means finding different and healthier ways to deal with the feelings, or you can also buy vape or e-cigarettes at the initial stage. 

For the regular smoker’s cigarette is ingrained as the daily habit or ritual. When you go to work or on school or commute to your home, and after a hectic day, you may get a response automatically by drinking coffee and smoking in the morning. Maybe your family, friends, and coworkers are smoking, and that is part of the way you treat them.

To quit smoking successfully, you need to deal with habits, addictions, and routines that come with it. But you can change it if you will decide it to change with the quitting plan and right support smokers can quit smoking, even if you have tried and failed many times.

To decide that you are ready to quit smoking is half of the battle. However, to know where to start on your way to quit smoking and become smoke-free will help to leap. Here are some steps which you can follow to quit smoking successfully. 

Find the reason

To be motivated to quit smoking, you need a strong personal reason to quit smoking. This can be used to protect your family from smoking. Or reduce the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, or other illnesses. Or look and feel younger. It completely up to you to choose reason strong enough to lighten up your urge to smoke a cigarette.

Prepare for a smoking day

Once you are done with deciding with reason to quit smoking now you are ready to decide a date to quit. Select as which should not be too far so that you don’t change your plan or mind, but leave plenty of time to prepare

Choose a smoking cessation date and be ready to quit smoking that day.

There are many ways to stop smoking, but eventually, you have to decide whether you want to:

• Stop smoking abruptly or continue smoking until the end of the day and then quit

• Stop smoking gradually or reduce smoking slowly until the day you stop, and then stop smoking

A study comparing quit smoking abruptly with a reduce smoking shows that none of them resulted in higher results rates over others. Thus, it is important to choose a method that would best suit your habits and routine.

Here are some tips that the “American Cancer Association” recommends you to stop smoking:

  • Tell your family, friends, and colleagues about the date of quitting
  • Discard all cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays.
  • Decide whether you want to use medicine or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
  • If you are planning to join a smoking cessation group, join now.
  • Store oral foods such as hard candy, sugar-free gum, carrot rod, coffee mixer, straw and toothpicks as substitutes.
  • Establish support systems like family members who have quit smoking successfully and are ready to help.
  • Ask friends and family so that they don’t smoke around you.
  • If you have ever tried to quit smoking, think about what works and what doesn’t.
  • Daily activities – such as waking up in the morning, cooking, drinking coffee – often stimulate your appetite. However, breaking the connection between excitement and smoking is a great way to help you stop smoking.


To go to Cold Turkey or quit smoking without NRT, therapy or medication is a popular way to quit smoking. However, only about 6% of these quitting attempts were successfully done. The real effects of nicotine addiction are easy to underestimate.

NRT can help to reduce the craving and symptoms withdrawal that you may hinder you try to quit smoking. NRT’s goal is to reduce your body’s exposure to cigarettes and provide you with a controlled dose of nicotine and prevent exposure to other substances in tobacco.

Consider using nicotine-free medications

Two nicotine-free drugs have been approved by the FDA to help smokers stop smoking. They are and Varenicline (Chantix) and bupropion (Zyban)

Varenicline and Bupropion are not nicotine drugs that help to reduce cravings and symptoms of withdrawal. If you want to try one of these ways to help you stop smoking, consult your doctor for advice.

Try to find behavioural support

Your physical and emotional dependency on smoking will make it very challenging to keep yourself away after a day of eating nicotine. You must resolve this addiction by going there. Try guidance, service of counseling, self-help and support services to help you get through this step. Over time, when your physical symptoms will gradually recover, and your emotional symptoms will improve.

Combinations of drugs such as NRT, varenicline, and Bupropion, together with behavioural aid, have been shown to increase the risk of smoking by 25%.

Behavioural assistance ranges from advice and written information to group therapy or personal consultation over the phone or the web. Self-help content may increase the incidence of smoking cessation compared to non-support, but comprehensive counseling is the most effective form of behaviour support.

Try other treatments

Many individuals find other therapies effective for smoking cessation, but there is no convincing evidence that these therapies increase the likelihood of quitting and, in some cases, may encourage people to smoke more.

Some other ways to stop smoking are:

• Filter

• Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette)

• Cold laser treatment

• Tobacco sticks

• Lollipops, Nicotine drinks or lip balm.

• Magnetic therapy

• Supplements and Herbs.

• Yoga, mentality, and meditation

The Final words

It is important for everyone to remember that you cannot make friends or anyone quit smoking because it is an independent call, they have to make a decision. However, if they decide to quit smoking, you can still give them support and encouragement and try to reduce the stress of quitting. Explore different treatment options and talk to a smoker; just be careful not to preach or try. You can also help smokers to overcome their addiction by doing other activities with them and preparing smoking options (such as chewing gum) at any time. If your friend or loved one’s relapses or slips, do not make anyone guilty. But do not forget to congratulate them whenever you see them went out without cigarettes and also encourage them to keep trying. You love, help and support can make a big difference in helping ultimately kicking the habit of smoking.

Edwin Patterson

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